2009/7/13 Robert Leverington
Hello all,
Since we have begun founding the south east branch of DFEY it has become
clearer and clearer that we need a phrase to distinguish between
individual branches of the organisation (e.g. North West, South East)
and the organisation as a whole (North West and South East). Generally
this would be used to encompass things shared by all branches, such as
the logo and main website (www.dfey.org).
For the time being I have used the phrase "DFEY Central", however it is
believed by me and others that this could be considered somewhat
ambiguous (e.g. it could refer to the Midlands branch, if one were to
Does anybody have suggestions for alternative phrases to refer to "DFEY
Ideas I have are:
- "Central"
- "Meta"
Although both of these seem somewhat undesirable.