On 2009-07-30, Paul Sutton wrote:
If it helps, I have created a software list page on the devon and
cornwall lug wiki at
if you would like me to send you the source code, it may be a good
starting point for your own page on this if you wanted to create
something similar, as I have added quite a lot.
That would be nice, while our existing list has the benefit of going in
to quite a bit of detail it lacks such a wide range of software.
Going off on a bit of a tangent here:
An interesting project in the long term (talking mainly to DFEY here)
might be to create something simillar to AlternativeTo [1], but only for
completely open source software. It seems a shame for different FLOSS
groups to waste resources creating their own lists. Does anyone know if
something like this already exists? (Would need to have a nice
interface to appeal to non-"techies").
[1] http://alternativeto.net/