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Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Regular IRC meetings

From: Tim Dobson
Subject: Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Regular IRC meetings
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 23:26:17 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)

Robert Leverington wrote:
I would like to propose having regular IRC meetings (e.g. two to three
times a month).  This would involve specifying a time (probably in the
evening) on one weekday, and everyone interested congregating in the
channel.  There would be a specified agenda and we would go through the
points and discuss them.  Minutes would then be produced by one of the
members and the decisions made actioned.

The rationale for this is that currently discussions can take several
weeks to actually come to a consensus, this is frustrating and wastes
time.  IRC meetings would result in all points being completely
discussed withing two to three hours.  IRC meetings have proven to work
with many other organisations including freenode and Wikimedia.
Real life meetings are nice, but obviously can't happen as often as IRC
ones can and also exclude people not in proximity to the location
(especially when talking about things that affect the whole of DFEY
rather than just individual branches).

Hi Robert (& all),

Thanks for your email there are definitely valid points.

Things are becoming quite drawn out - I do accept responsibility on some level - I am juggling a lot of things (Young Rewired State, DFEY-NW for example) and I have been juggling a lot of things in the not too distant past (Open Source Schools Unconference, Liverpool LUG, 2morro, Tomorrows Web) which obviously all have fixed time constraints.

If anyone would like to step in and help out with the organisation between these events, please just get in touch. You may not be able to do everything but anything that takes this sort of pressure off me is good for my wellbeing and lets me concentrate on the less exciting issues where action is needed.

(For instance, I think we should be writing to schools & colleges, bussiness people/entrepreurs, prominent bloggers etc asking them to promote us within their organisations - when I did this for just a few people in Manchester back in about April we got featured on a Manchester Evening News blog - not exactly fame and fantastic publicity, but a few steps towards it. I'd like to do more of this kind of letter writing but I appreciate that there might be more important things that I have to prioritise first because only I, or only a few people, can actually deal with them - perhaps someone would like to pick up this torch...)

As it is, I don't currently feel that IRC meetings are necessary at the moment. Essentially, I don't think it is a terrible idea having a date each month when we present where we are up to with various issues but I personally am not convinced IRC/IM is an ideal medium for our sort of group. (and as Robert rightly said, real life discussions for the whole of DFEY is not feasible or likely to be in the future).

I do however, believe that we are sorely lacking in an administration orientated mailing list. Though it's not widely known, almost all internal decisions for the Debian project for instance, are (or should be) discussed on mailing lists. This goes right up to the highest echelons (if Debian has such a thing) and recently I understand there was a big debate as to whether to open up top tier, private Debian administration list archives. Anyway.. I'm going offtopic. Sorry.

I think the step is to get the mailing lists sorted.

I know I've been saying this for sometime and I know there is some frustration but I'm prioritising things the best I can. It's sometimes hard to realise that administration work to let us grow is just as important as actually going out and spreading the word.
This needs to be done and I take full responsibility for it not being done.

I don't think anyone can help directly with this - I need to talk with the savannah hackers(sic) on how they can help us reorganise DFEY in terms of savannah projects which will allow us more flexibility and the ability to create mailing lists for things without any hassle.

The reason it is problematic in the first place was a mistake of mine about 15 months ago now; I didn't anticipate this would be DFEY in a years time and simply failed to plan for the future! Sorry.

Anyway, we need an administration list, (I'm going to set up DFEY-NW-admin but I'd like to keep that for DFEY-*North West* stuff when I do) because this list should be about freedom, young people and doing cool stuff! ...not clogged full of delightful admin related emails. :)

I'm truly sorry everything is not run like a greased machine and so your patience and understanding is really appreciated. Remember, the best way to get something done is probably not to blindly criticise already stretched souls but to work with, assist and make things better.

I'm happy to talk to anyone, on or off list who'd like to talk this over a bit more.



p.s. Remember, if your truly stressed about something and not thinking completely rationally or clear mindly, it's probably best to wait a while before you reply. Here are two examples of email's I regret, and these are just humorous looking back, from 2007:
(you will need to be on the horrible listserv ManLUG mailing list unfortunately)

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