Manchester Free Software is having a competition to find a logo for the group.
The winner will receive a hardback copy of Richard Stallman's "Free
Software, Free Society" and a t-shirt with their winning design.
=== Brief for Entries ===
* Should be easily recognisable, visually pleasing and easily
reproduced in different mediums (such as t-shirts, posters and web
* Should echo themes of software freedom and Manchester.
* Should be created solely using free software but entries created
using non-free software will be accepted.
* Should look good when printed in monochrome and shouldn't use too
many different colours.
* Should be submitted in a vector graphics format format (e.g SVG),
though high resolution bitmap might be acceptable.
* Must be less than 6MB in size.
* Must be licensed to allow sharing and modification. Preferably
CC-BY-SA [1], although CC-Zero [2], CC-BY [3] and other licenses are
=== Eligibility of Entrants ===
* Anyone can enter, regardless of age, geographic location, etc.
* There is no limit to the number of entries per entrant
=== How to Enter ===
1. Create the logo(s).
2. Send an email to address@hidden with the SVG or other
image file attached by 23:59, Sunday 4th October 2009.
3. Please include your name and (if desired) a link to your blog/website etc.
4. State in the email the license you would like to use (e.g. CC-BY-SA).
5. Your entry will be processed and uploaded on to the wiki [4].
=== Voting ===
* The winner will be decided by a vote.
* Voting will commence Monday 5th October 2009 and end 23:59, Saturday
10th October 2009.
* Anyone who was a member of the MFS mailing list at 1pm 16th
September is eligible to vote.
* One person, one vote.
* Details of how to vote will be given nearer the time..