I was wondering whether any of you out there who use Internet Explorer could help me with WhatBlock 2.0...
To those of you out there who don't know about WhatBlock (http://dev.dfey.org/whatblock) it is a contenter filtration filter. It's designed to find out which websites that the internet content filters at your workplace or school have blocked so that an open account of the state of content filtration at schools and businesses up and down the country can be kept - after all the lists are secret, who knows how bad it really is?
Anyway, to the point! WhatBlock 2.0 seems to be showing some funny behaviour in Internet Explorer and I need someone out there to either confirm the behaviour to me or explain why it's doing this. I've written it all up atĀ http://robbarry.blogspot.com/2010/09/whatblock-20-not-working-in-internet.html and to me is just seems a bit odd.
If you can help or pass this message along to others (or other lists) I'd beĀ grateful.