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Re: Looking forward to help

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Re: Looking forward to help
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2020 08:50:28 -0300
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The link given by bill-auger also mentions that, while you can of course work 
in no specific package or theme focus, there are project teams that do have 
specific goals (that page links to the list of teams).

For example, there are groups which focus on bigger, famous or possibly 
controversial packages (see “Free software evaluation”), but some are related 
to keeping old entries updated, or in charge of more technical aspects of the 
wiki (“Backlog Admin Group”). Last but not less important, there is the 
COVID-19 Response Team and many other teams of equal priority.

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                * Distribuições de sistemas (FreedSoftware)
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