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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USB2 ADC and DAC discussion

From: Paul J. Zawada
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USB2 ADC and DAC discussion
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:23:52 -0500

At 2:56 PM -0700 6/4/03, Matthew Ettus wrote:

Since the board is only baseband/IF, I am interested in finding people to work
on RF converters for it.  One for the 1200MHz ham band, and one for the 2.4GHz
ISM band would be nice for starters.  If you are interested in working on such
a project, let me know, and I can get you all the info you will need.

Matt and all,

I have just finished putting together a GNU Radio platform including the Microtune tuner using the schematic Eric supplied. It's all working quite well and you can see the results I've obtained (including a few FFTs and DTV captures) at http://ner.ncsa.uiuc.edu/sdr . Now I'm ready to start some real work. :-)
I've been starting to plan to build a 900 MHz (902-928) 
upconverter/downconverter for use with GNU Radio.  I'd thought I 
might start with a narrow band implementation to use a sound card and 
work my way up to a broadband implementation for use with a 
high-speed ADC/DAC solution such as the one you are working on. 
(I've got the Measurement Computing ADC card, but I'm going to need a 
DAC solution; so this one may fit the bill!)  This will be my first 
design at 900 MHz (or higher), so it may take me some time to get 
ramped up and a decent design produced.  The intent is to produce a 
board at to receive and transmit at acceptable power levels for 
unlicensed use while allowing the ability to add a power "brick" for 
ham use.
My design hasn't progressed beyond a couple of block diagrams in my 
engineering notebook, but now that I've got the Microtune 
implementation built and operating I can concentrate more on 
designing new hardware.   (I do still need to familiarize myself with 
the code too; so I plan on spending some time hacking on some 
software as well...)

Paul J. Zawada, PE       | Principal Network Research Engineer
address@hidden          | National Center for Supercomputing Applications
+1 217 649 2233          | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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