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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple ARQ MAC over TDMA; using GNU Radio and USR

From: Josh Blum
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] simple ARQ MAC over TDMA; using GNU Radio and USRPs in GRC
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 15:43:21 -0400
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On 09/26/2012 03:20 PM, Alex Zhang wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> A quick question, what is the time reference you are using for the TDMA
> engine? Is it GPS or something else? How accurate about the time
> synchronization?

In this case we tested in the LAB with shared reference and PPS. GPSDO
per USRP should be great too. Both of these options will be highly accurate.

Now, it should be possible for a more advanced TDMA engine to try and
determine the transmit windows without explicit synchronization. I hope
we get this into the example as well.

The guard interval parameter could be modified depending upon the accuracy.


> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:31 PM, Josh Blum <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hey list,
>> For those who were not at the GR Conference 2012: I presented some work
>> demonstrating a simple ARQ MAC over TDMA; using GNU Radio and USRPs in
>> GRC. Its very cool work, I encourage anyone to take a peek at the
>> slides, and checkout the repo and run the examples.
>> The MAC layer work is actually the work of John Malsbury (I'm just the
>> messenger). He will be continually polishing and debugging the code over
>> the next week or so. There should be a wiki page soon...
>> So, I promised at the presentation that I would email the slides and the
>> relevant information to checkout the repository.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- Here is the presentation (pdf format):
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> https://github.com/guruofquality/grextras/blob/pre_cog/pre_cog_pres.pdf?raw=true
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- Here are some teaser screenshots from the slides:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://i.imgur.com/HYgeb.png
>> http://i.imgur.com/EvDof.png
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- The code is available on the pre_cog branch of grextras:
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> GRExtras main wiki page:
>>         https://github.com/guruofquality/grextras/wiki
>> GitHub URL
>>         $ git clone https://github.com/guruofquality/grextras.git
>> Check out this branch:
>>         $ git checkout pre_cog
>> GRC flowgraphs are here:
>>         <src dir>/examples/*.grc
>> Contact
>>         address@hidden
>>         address@hidden
>> *Note*: Users will have to generate the tdma hier block first, and then
>> reload GRC to use the top level simple MAC block.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Feedback is always welcome!
>> -Josh
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>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
>> address@hidden
>> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnuradio

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