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[Discuss-gnuradio] Spectral Survey with GRC?

From: Bruce E. Kahn
Subject: [Discuss-gnuradio] Spectral Survey with GRC?
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2016 09:02:10 -0500
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Hi GRC companions

Has anyone used GRC to acquire a large range RF spectral survey? Basically, step from range to range, and save the output in a (text) file. I would like to be able to average each frequency/range for some (variable) period of time, or do peak hold, much like some of the nice FFT sinks do. I have been doing this in Python with a modification of osmocom_spectrum_sense, but I would rather use GRC since it is more intuitive. I just need a starting point, and particularly how to save to file, and time average. This seems like it would be pretty straightforward, but I haven't seen it done anywhere (with GRC).
A little background. I am working on a research project on ambient RF 
energy harvesting (using printed metamaterial antennas). I recently got 
a HackRF One to help understand the ambient RF energy present and 
correlate it with energy harvesting performance.
Thanks in advance!

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