I call it simply spectrum too, maybe I
should have said magnitude/phase spectrum.
Now I'm confused. Magnitude spectrum is definitely my ;
but you're just looking for a plot of the DFT, right?
Indeed i don't need imaginary part in this
case because the spectrum is real
That implies that your time signal is 0-time-hermitian
(symmetrical if real)! In your example that is the case,
because you're only summing up cosines, but it's not
usually the case.
So I'd like to get back to my earlier question:
What is the purpose of this?
You can very simply implement this using
stream to vector -> FFT -> complex to real -> Qt Vector
Again, not convinced that is what you actually *need*. It's just
what I understnad that you *ask* for.
Best regards,
On 04/26/2017 07:23 PM, Fernando wrote:
I call it simply spectrum too, maybe
I should have said magnitude/phase spectrum.
Indeed i don't need imaginary part in this case because the
spectrum is real..... or not spectrum lines will be real
numbers with + / - ...... or complex numbers with 0º/180º phase
The representation I would like to get is this one
or like this other
So, this way could do what I want to do
But I would like to print the magnitude/phase spectrm, but QT
Frequency sink prints only the power spectrum
Is there any GUI sink wich can print this?
El 26/04/17 a las 16:15, Marcus Müller escribió:
Hm, I'd call that spectrum, simply :) In any case, I
don't fully understand, then, how you'd circumvent the need
for a real and imaginary part. Your is
On 04/26/2017 03:46 PM, Fernando
I think the amplitude spectrum is the DFT:
So, it has sign. The power spectrum is the absolute value so
it has no sign.
I wish to be able to see the difference in the spectrum
between this two signals below. If the signal generators
are A and B, A+B and A-B are different signals, but in the
power spectrum we see them as the same signal, so I woul
like to be able to difference one from the other from their
El 26/04/17 a las 09:52, Marcus Müller escribió:
Hey Fernando,
not quite sure I get what you need; I'd say the Amplitude
Spectrum you'd be looking for is
![$$A_{|\cdot|}[f]=|X[f]| =
\left\lvert\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n]\cdot e^{j2\pi \frac
{nf}N}\right\rvert $$](pngDNWTUGK7oR.png)
or, rather, the decibel representation of that. There's
no way to get a negative number out of the absolute of
something – it's by definition a positive real number.
Now, we could also use our freedoms to define our
amplitude spectrum to take the shape
![$$A_\text{signed} = s(X[f]) |X[f]|\text{ with }
s(X[f])=\begin{cases}1&\text{for } -\pi \le \angle
X[f] < \pi \\ 0 &\text{else.} \end{cases}$$](pngdqfu2sI66j.png)
But: that's really only useful if you have phase-coherent
reception – as an analytic tool for an unsynchronized
observation of the spectrum, it doesn't help you much,
since you have a random due to having random relative phase.
So, maybe it'd be a good idea to formulate what purpose
you're doing this for :) You can, indeed, tell 180°
out-of-phase signals apart by this, but I'd argue that
being 180° out-of-phase, for the most things I can think
of, is only meaningful on one and the same frequency – and
hence, I'm not quite sure this is what you're looking for!
Best regards,
On 25.04.2017 12:01, Fernando
Yes, with Time sink I can see the difference, but if the
signal is compound of some other signals (for instance
signal=1K/amplitude +1 +2K/amplitude -1 +3K/qamplitude
+1 +4K/amplitude +1 ) i would like to see the 2k signal
as -1 amplitude, but in the power spectrum it will
appear as possitive and in the QT time sink it is very
difficult to see the signal as it is a complex one.
El 25/04/17 a las 10:57, Jinyang Lee escribió:
Hello Fernando,
I think the QT GUI time sink displays the
relationship between time and amplitude. You can see
the signal through it. But when I use the channel
model block,the QT2 can see the signal which is
Enclose is running result with channel model and
with channel model.
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