My name is Harshit Gupta, graduated in Electrical Engineering. Currently pursuing masters from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Having studied information theory in my post-graduate coursework, I can understand FEC codes in a better manner. I want to contribute to GNU Radio with my coding skills and knowledge of channel coding.
I am very interested to work on FEC decoders particularly starting from LDPC decoders. GNU Radio would benefit from these integrations.
The gr-fec API by GNU is an implementation of a few channel coding techniques but are quite slow to be used in high throughput applications. The current issue is to use standardized decoders in the coding techniques to make gr-fec API suitable for high-performance applications and integrate it with GNU radio.
I went through some recent research paper like in QPP-Block-LDPC Codes which proposes new approaches to implement the existing codes. The relevant list can be found here[1].
I went through gr::fec::code::cc_encoder Class and gr::fec::code::ccsds_encoder, which implements the above code that is more highly optimized for specific settings (rate 1/2, K=7, and polynomials [109, 79]).
Also, I went through the application of LDPC. It seems 5G will greatly benefit from fast LDPC code. A project on fast implementation of LDPC code will be a good experience. I searched through 3GPP 38 series of documents [2] and found the used LDPC algorithm.
I have listed out steps for optimal implementation.
My queries are:
1. what kind of generic code for decoder I should add in my proposal?
2.Please look at my draft proposal[3]. Is there any redundant information?
3. Fast LDPC decoder and optimal implementation of 3GPP used LDPC codes Both are good but which to choose?
Deadline is quite near. Hence I am diligently working on the proposal
Harshit Gupta