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Re: B2xx round trip delay

From: Marcus D. Leech
Subject: Re: B2xx round trip delay
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2023 00:44:03 -0400
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On 13/08/2023 00:36, Ali G. Dezfuli wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to measure the round-trip delay (RTD) between two B200 USRPs. For that, I send a raised-cosined-filtered, BPSK modulated PN-sequence, and as soon as I get this signal at the receiver, send back the same sequence from the Rx to the Tx, and by correlation, I find the RTD. The question is that the measured RTD is not fixed. I wonder how can I make it fixed when the distance between the two USRPs is fixed. After that (A -> B -> A) I want to do that in reverse order (B -> A -> B) and expect to have the same RTD.
In your scenario, the latency will necessarily be variable--after all your samples are entering a computer program where those   samples are processed and then sent back in the other direction. Since computer software on a general-purpose operating   system cannot have fixed latency at fine-grained levels, this is completely expected.

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