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Re: saving script with cpp instead py

From: Marcus Müller
Subject: Re: saving script with cpp instead py
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 16:48:12 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hi Robin,

indeed, gr-osmosdr simply isn't C++; so you can't use it in C++ flow graphs.

However, the necessity for it has largely been supplanted by gr-soapy in mainline GNU Radio; you should be able to use most hardware without gr-osmosdr, simply with the built-in soapy blocks.



On 01.06.24 22:01, robin ivetic wrote:

I can't save any script to run as cpp, because block that I'm using (gr-osmosdr) not support cpp. Searching I found this example, need to turn flag cpp and alo include cpp_template, means that I need to compile from the source, but than I realize that almost all hardware sink/wrappers and sources blocks inside gnuradio installed from package, don't offer also cpp support. 

Now I don't know if I need to turn this feature on the gnuradio level, when I'm compiling or just block per block, and if second option true, what would be correct procedure to include cpp saving script when compiling gr-osmosdr.


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