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Beginner Tutorial 3. Your First Flowgraph

Subject: Beginner Tutorial 3. Your First Flowgraph
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:45:53 -0500 (EST)

I got the flowgraph set up exactly as in the tutorial.  Hit play and get this 
popup message:

The xterm executable " is missing.

You can change this setting in your gnurado.cnf, in section
[grc], 'xterm executable'.

This is the contents of gnuradio.cnf grc.conf

# This file contains system wide configuration data for GNU Radio.
# You may override any setting on a per-user basis by editing
# ~/.gnuradio/config.conf

global_blocks_path = 
local_blocks_path =
default_flow_graph =
xterm_executable = 
canvas_font_size = 8
canvas_default_size = 1280, 1024

What to I change?  Is it supposed to be:

xterm_executable = "

or what?

I am very paranoid modifying system or program files having been burned many 
time in the past.  I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS if that matters.

Thanks for any help, Larry Wickert

Screenshot png attached.

Attachment: Screenshot from 2024-12-15 19-58-07.png
Description: PNG image

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