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Re: ANNOUNCE: GNUstep Renaissance is out!

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: Re: ANNOUNCE: GNUstep Renaissance is out!
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 18:14:00 +0100

Gregory Casamento wrote:
> Nicola,
> Instead of building a GUI builder from scratch it would make sense, I think,
> for Gorm to support the creation of different GUI formats.   Currently only 
> the
> .gorm format is supported (obviously), but I think that creating bundles which
> would provide support for outputting different formats would greatly expand 
> the
> capabilities of Gorm and would allow Renaissance to leverage the work which 
> has
> gone into making Gorm more stable and usable over the past year.

There's a lot more difference between .gorm and .gsmarkup (as I imagine
it) than an "output format". "Borrowing" code is a good idea, but I
think trying to squeeze both models into one app would cause nothing but

- Alexander Malmberg

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