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One small thing about application names.... :)

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: One small thing about application names.... :)
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 06:39:33 +0100

Gregory Casamento writes:
> All,
> I would like to suggest one small thing to the community.   Could
> we, as a group, possibly avoid application names which begin with a
> gratuitous "G" or "GS"?  Although I am VERY excited to see all of
> the new GNUstep applications being announced, I'm a little
> disappointed at the names which are usually of the form:
> G*.app or
> GS*.app
> I've used most of these apps in my deep and abiding interest in
> GNUstep and OPENSTEP/MOSX in general and all of them are, without
> question, good, so don't get me wrong..  it's not the quality of the
> apps which is in question.. just the names. :)
> P.S. This message is not meant in a mean spirited way.   Just trying
> to spur a little bit of creativity when it comes to app names. :)
> Later, GJC

I must say that I rather agree: NeXTSTEP applications were not named NX.

This  naming  scheme   is  understandable  for  "system"  applications
provided with GNUstep, like for example, GWorkspace.app.

Otherwise,  it   should  be  noted  that  since   these  are  OpenStep
applications, they may be ported to  MacOSX, and it is usefull to have
a distinct  name for similar  applications.  For example,  an Edit.app
already existed in NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP, and still exists IIRC in MacOSX.
So GSEdit.app  would be a better  name for the GNUstep  version of the
editor, since it allows distinguishing  them on MacOSX, and recall the
existance of GNUstep.

But, for  the same reason, user applications  should avoid gratuituous
GS* names,  since they're  actually OpenStep applications  rather than
specifically  GNUstep applications,  in general.   More over,  I think
that  most GNUstep  applications  should be  compiled  on MacOSX  too,
because that would give more visibility for GNUstep.  Their info panel
on MacOSX could say something like:

      Developed on GNUstep (http://www.gnustep.org/)
      Compiled on MacOSX.

__Pascal_Bourguignon__                   http://www.informatimago.com/
Do not adjust your mind, there is a fault in reality.

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