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Re: question about GNUstep on Debian/woody

From: Joerg Desch
Subject: Re: question about GNUstep on Debian/woody
Date: 16 Oct 2003 14:18:51 GMT
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

Am Mit, 15 Okt 2003 (14:54) schrieb 
Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> in gnu.gnustep.discuss:

> You can try
> defaults read NSGlobalDomain
> detaults write NSGlobalDomain GSFontAntiAlias YES

Sorry for asking stupid questions, but I'm realy absolutly new to
GNUstep. I never played with it.

What does the above commands mean? Should I call `defaults' from within a
xterm? Or is it a configuration entry?

Email: Joerg Desch <jd AT die DASH deschs DOT de>

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