P R I C E 0 . 2 . 5
After about one year of development, I am pleased to announce the first
release of PRICE for gnustep, 0.2.5.
PRICE (Precision Raster Image Convolution Engine) is an image filtering and
processing program. Currently it is capable of opening and saving tiffs on
gnustep. On Macos-X it is capable of oopening many more formats. Currently
it is still in under heavy development.
The official site is: http://price.sf.net
I have activated CVS access on sourceforge and there are separate versions
of macos-x and gnustep. I only release binaries for Macosx.
Some filter highlights:
- custom convolution 5x5 matrix filter
- high and low pass filter controlled by sliders
- frequency analysis through FFT calculus and display
There are currently some gnustep-only related bugs:
- the view inside the scrollers has clipping problems, this is being
worked on
- the zoom function does not function correctly: this is being fixed by
Alexander Malmberg, but the current savannah outages have stopped everything
- opening of non tiff images causes stupid errors and they are not
- there are some problems with the colorspace of the newly created
images after a filter has been applied. I don't know if this is a limitation
of the xlib backend only or of the whole gnustep. I have not done further
I hope you will like it anyway. I know that there are other people working
on imaging applications, maybe the filter code can be reused, since most of
my effort was geared to the mathematics behind the filters.
Future developments:
- better value checking and data entry for LP and HP filters
- better implementation of the above filters
- histogram calculus and level equlization!
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