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Re: {Spam?}

From: René Berber
Subject: Re: {Spam?}
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 12:16:43 -0600

On 2004-02-26 09:42:10 -0600 Chris B. Vetter <chrisv@web4inc.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Feb 2004 08:19:11 -0700
> Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> wrote:
>> This list is closed to all non-subscribers (unless I specifically approve a 
>> post), so there should not be any spam on the list.
> Some mails produce false positives and are tagged as SPAM.

True, but with MailScanner I've seen almost no false positives, the only one I 
remember is a person that used to send a copy to the same address he used as 

Of course the problem you describe is people using spam detectors with 
auto-report which sounds like a very bad idea since all detectors are far from 

The good news is that since yesterday the list is not on spamcop's DB.
René Berber
GnuPG ID : 0x5E2D25FE

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