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Re: GNUStep namespace pollution in Debian?

From: Eric Heintzmann
Subject: Re: GNUStep namespace pollution in Debian?
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2004 16:03:31 +0100

"AP" == Alex Perez <address@bogus.example.com> writes:


That said, it just won't go away. So, I think a strategic retreat is
in order.

Let's just say:

      - gnustep-* for packages that are part of GNUstep, or which have
        "GNUstep" in the name anyways.
      - *.app for application packages
      - *.framework for frameworks

Does that work for everyone? Eric, can we write it up as a
package-naming policy and ship it with gnustep-base or -make or

Yes, this is posible to include it in gnustep-make and/or gnustep-base.
Since, nobody seems to disagree with your policy, let's adopt it.
Evan, would you mind to write this document (text) and post it on debian-devel (I suggest to cc to discuss-gnustep and pkg-gnustep-maintainers).

I also suggest to renaming source packages everytime.
for example, I won't rename addresses source package (because it contains app and frameworks) , but I will rename binary packages only :
addressmanager -> addressmanager.app
addresses-framework -> addresses.framework
addressview-framework -> addressview.framework
addresses-goodies -> ... I don't know. if someone has an idea ...


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