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Re: Proliferation of IconKits?

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: Proliferation of IconKits?
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 01:08:00 +0100

Le 21 août 04, à 17:27, Quentin Mathé a écrit :

Le 20 août 04, à 21:24, M. Uli Kusterer a écrit :

Hi everybody, especially Quentin,
Hi Uli,

there are at least three frameworks for Cocoa/GNUstep out there called IconKit. Would it be a good idea to rename the official GNUstep icon kit
Quentin is working on? My suggestions would be:

Not sure, but I have done some search with Google and there are only one programming framework called IconKit, the other stuff which more or less includes the words "Icon" and "Kit" are not related to development, precisely talking are not even called exactly IconKit. The previously quoted IconKit framework is OpenStep related (Deek told me that first) and is no more in use, then I think it is ok to use IconKit denomination for our project.
Anyway if people really think we should rename this framework, may be 
something like CoreIconKit or IconicKit could be ok.
A google search mostly returns the OpenStep IconKit, some classes in 
Java and some icons in flash...
(our IconKit is even already in 2nd position, and the first programming 
Frankly, a name change doesn't seem to be needed. I would say we 
continue with it.
But Uli, you cite three others IconKit for Cocoa, could you give us 
more informations ? If there is other kits than the old IconKit, we 
probably need to change.
Though IconKit is a very well-suited name :-D


Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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