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Re: Text label mis-sizing / clipping

From: Adrian Robert
Subject: Re: Text label mis-sizing / clipping
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 13:52:50 -0400

Although applications can specify the font and font size, standard fonts may resolve to different actual fonts on different systems, so "System Font 12pt" might be rendered as "Helvetica 12pt" on some systems and as "Vera Sans 12pt" on other systems, and these have very different metrics.

Thank you for this clarifying information. It sounds like the problem is font requests are communicated from app to system in terms of point-size instead of some pixel-based metric. Assumedly pixel-based communication could not be implemented without changing the app-visible API, correct?

Anyway, although neat flamewars are possible based on this, I'll just state my recommendations:

1. Create auto-sizing interfaces.
2. Design for Vera Sans (since Vera Sans is large enough that most other fonts, and at least all standard choices for system font, will fit).
(Also, 3. just leave, say, 20% extra space for labels in UI no matter what.)

I don't want to ignite any flames, but I wonder if there is an alternative. ;-) While (1) is ideal in theory, in practice we have a framework (appkit/gui) and interface design tool (IB/Gorm) that have long made fixed layout their bread and butter. Even if we make a conscious decision to use more autolayout, and manage to convert our existing apps, problems will still come up with porting. (2) would also have this problem. Also, while Gorm could perhaps be modified to enforce the needed generous sizing automatically, it would be difficult for Renaissance and from-scratch developers to work this way if they didn't want to use Vera Sans in the final product.

We could try going the OS X route, where you basically cannot set system fonts, and provide a fixed set of default fonts packaged with gnustep-back for each back end. This limits user choice.

But what about this possibility instead: is there some point within the text rendering pipeline for gnustep that a metric measurement could be made, and if a mismatch exists between pixel-based size of the designed-with font and the size of the runtime candidate with same point size, the runtime one be substituted with a sufficiently smaller point-size version? This would be done once per font request, based on a fixed, representative string. It wouldn't be perfect, but would probably avoid clipping most of the time while still leaving a consistent-looking interface.

I realize that there are a host of issues here:

- this could lead to unexpected results in the printing pipeline if different print fonts are available than screen fonts

- some mechanism is needed to store what is essentially design-time information (NOT compile time!) information in an app (Info-gnustep.plist, maybe?)

- can/should such font substitution just be done for certain types of widgets -- i.e., labels and dropdowns, but not, say, TextViews ?

- layout problems could occur when porting an app from gnustep to OS X

- APIs that query for font point size could be affected

All of this might be a hassle to deal with, but if it could be done once and done right, the user experience would definitely benefit.

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