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Re: gnustep.org web page gentoo clarification

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: gnustep.org web page gentoo clarification
Date: 24 Sep 2004 13:22:56 GMT

On 2004-09-24 05:12:38 +0100 Armando Di Cianno <fafhrd@gentoo.org> wrote:

> (http://www.gnustep.org/resources/sources.html) changed concerning the
> Gentoo entry.

In general, you should email webmasters@gnustep about those pages. I've
updated the entry, but I changed a couple of things (mostly to avoid
having URLs directly in the text. Part of the diff -u read:

 <h2><a name="gentoo" id="gentoo">Gentoo</a></h2>
-<p>To get GNUstep, type this in a terminal:</p>
-    ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge gnustep
-<p>ACCEPT_KEYWORDS is only needed to get the latest (unstable)
-version. The ~x86 is the architecture so it should be changed to
-whatever is apropiate.</p>
+<p>The newest GNUstep ebuilds can be emerged using the ~ARCH keyword
+(e.g. ~x86).  This can be specified on the command line (as
+'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge ...'), or you can place
+entries for each GNUstep ebuild in /etc/portage/package.keywords
+(the preferred method for "mostly" stable systems).
+More information can be found at "man 5 portage", and
+<a href="http://dev.gentoo.org/~fafhrd/";>the maintainer's page</a>.</p>
+<p>After keywording the unstable/testing packages (e.g. ~x86 set for the
+GNUstep ebuilds you wish to emerge) you can run the following as root:</p><pre>
+  emerge -pv gnustep-env</pre>
+<p>After reviewing what will emerge, you can remove the "-p" (pretend)
+option and run the emerge.  See
+<a href="http://dev.gentoo.org/~fafhrd/";>the maintainer's page</a>
+for any further steps or news.  You can
+install GNUstep applications in a similar way: for example,
+"emerge gnumail".</p>

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
 Creative copyleft computing - http://www.ttllp.co.uk/
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