On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 21:08 -0700, Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> Phil,
> phil taylor <ptay1685@bigpond.net.au>:
> > If they cant bother to spend a couple of hours to knock up some sample
> > programs, or build a few packages for the major distros (that arent four
> > years out of date) what kind of message does that send to new users
> > about the platform and the developers of it?
> >
> > I know the message it send to me - go somewhere else.
> In the Gorm release, since about 0.5.0 (most current release is 1.1) there
are examples in the Documentation directory. They are covered in the Gorm manual
which is also in that directory.
> [heron@celia Examples]$ ls
> Controller SimpleApp
> [heron@celia Examples]$ pwd
> /home/heron/Releases/gorm-1.1.0/Documentation/Examples
> [heron@celia Examples]$
> There are your simple examples. They've been there for a quite a while.
> Later, GJC
And what if you dont know about Gorm or have decided not to use it? You
might well want to try building a simple console app before a GUI one,
or might want to build the GUI one by hand so as to get the feel of the
code, rather than have it generated?
I think the sample code should be included in the base development
install, or perhaps with every dev tool?
I also think the web site could do much better to highlight these
resources. How about a "developers intro page, with sample code actually
on the web?
I can find lots of other stuff on the site, but its the things that are
essential for a first time user are not easy to find. And its the first
time users who do not know either the software or the site that need
these things. Experienced users have found the resources for themselves.
This is the usual situation with open source projects - the info is all
there, but you have to either be very lucky to stumble on it quickly, or
spend months looking for a needle in a haystack.