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NSImage problem on Solaris x86

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: NSImage problem on Solaris x86
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2006 14:56:38 +0200

Hi all,

on one Solaris 10 x86 machine I do not get EtoileMenuServer.app to work due to an NSImage/zlib related problem. Starting EtoileMenuServer.app gives
NSImage: compositeToPoint:fromRect:operation: failed due to 
NSInternalInconsistencyException: Cannot find stored representation
I hacked the following method in NSImage.m:

static GSRepData* repd_for_rep(NSArray *_reps, NSImageRep *rep)
  NSEnumerator  *enumerator = [_reps objectEnumerator];
  IMP           nextImp = [enumerator methodForSelector: @selector(nextObject)];
  GSRepData     *repd;

  while ((repd = (*nextImp)(enumerator, @selector(nextObject))) != nil)
      if (repd->rep == rep)
          return repd;
  NSLog(@"_reps %@", [_reps description]);
  [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
              format: @"Cannot find stored representation"];
  return nil;

It gives me:

        _reps ()

Obviously an NSImage instance cannot be created from one of the EtoileMenuServer resources.
I googled and found the following hint:

Solution: Your TIFF library was not compiled with ZIP support.  The
standard libtiff is almost never distributed with ZIP="yes" in the
config.site file, so you will need to recompile it yourself if
you want to build drgtools which support zip from the source code.

I therefore did

        cd /usr/src/tiff-v3.5.7
        ./configure --with-ZIP=yes

which gives me

The libgz library directory, "", does not seem to exist.
This must be corrected if the ZIP support is to be enabled.
Either fix the pathname or disable the ZIP support.

On http://www.remotesensing.org/libtiff/internals.html#Config I found

Experimental support for the deflate algorithm is controlled by DEFLATE_SUPPORT. The deflate codec that comes with libtiff is designed for use with version 0.99 or later of the freely available libz library written by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. The data format used by this library is described in the files zlib-3.1.doc, and deflate-1.1.doc, available in the directory ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/doc. The library can be retried from the directory ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/zlib/ (or try quest.jpl.nasa.gov:/beta/zlib/).
The deflate algorithm is experimental. Do not expect to exchange files 
using this compression scheme; it is included only because the similar, 
and more common, LZW algorithm is claimed to be governed by licensing 
I have zlib-1.2.3-sol10-x86-local from www.sunfreeware.com installed. 
On another machine thi sworks without further ado. I am stuck! Any 


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