I want to manipualte the filename of a NSSavePanel while it is shown.
The events of the manipulation come from the accessoryview. I want to
read it, modify it and set it back depending on events coming from the
accessory view components.
How can I do that? The documentation says that "filename" should be used
only at the end of the modal session and I understand the events coming
from the controls inside the accessoryviews are during a modal session.
Furthermore I found no provision on how to set the filename.
Any suggestions? The best solution would be portable to Mac, so I'd
prefer not to use internal variables/methods.
Thank you,
I think the Open/SavePanel has a delegate that can be used to filter/
manipulate the file selection.
What I am not sure is how ou make the SavePanel call the delegate and
update the file name if you press the button of an accessory view.