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Re: gorm installation

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: gorm installation
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2012 12:31:57 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

Maybe this is a conflict with some .deb package that you had before. Try clean 
system (searching all the gnustep related files and deleting these) and install 
from source code again. This should solve the problem.

On 2012-03-03 20:10:53 -0600 Matthew Weinstein <mweinste@kent.edu> wrote:

> I installed 1.2.17 from svn. It's still flakey, got that same error when I 
> tried to run in the build directory (open ./Gorm.app) But it seems really 
> unstable. I have not been able to actually create a gorm.
> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:23 PM, Germán Arias wrote:
>> On 2012-03-03 16:03:22 -0600 Matthew Weinstein <mweinste@kent.edu> wrote:
>>> Okay, I found the patched versions of the ailing files, built using sudo 
>>> -E make install, since it wouldn't install normally, but it wont run. When 
>>> I try to run it in the directory where it is, I get Couldn't get a file 
>>> descriptor referring to the console. (that's doing open ../Gorm.app);
>>> When I try to run it through the Ubuntu dash or just "open Gorm.app" I am 
>>> met by silence.
>>> Ideas?
>>> Matthew
>> If you have the latest stable release of gnustep packages (I recommend you 
>> use
>> the latest packages), get Gorm from SVN:
>> svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/gnustep/apps/gorm/trunk/
>> since the lastest version (1.2.16) have some bugs.

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