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teaching gworkspace about my file types

From: Michael P. Soulier
Subject: teaching gworkspace about my file types
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:57:54 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


When I fire up GWorkspace, many of my filetypes have question marks on them,
telling me that it does not know how to handle that file. One example would be
an openoffice .odp file. And yet I have this

msoulier@cappuccino:~$ cd /usr/share/GNUstep/
msoulier@cappuccino:/usr/share/GNUstep$ ls
Appwrappers           FTP.app            NSPanelTest.app
batmon.app            GNUMail.app        PlopFolio.app
Bundles               Grr.app            Poe.app
Calculator.app        GTAMSAnalyzer.app  PostScript
Charmap.app           HelpViewer.app     Preview.app
ColorPickers          Ink.app            ProjectCenter.app
Colors                KeyBindings        SimpleAgenda.app
Cynthiune.app         LaternaMagica.app  SystemPreferences.app
debian                Libraries          UL.app
DictionaryReader.app  LuserNET.app       ViewPDF.app
DocTemplates          Lynkeos.app        Waiho.app
FisicaLab.app         Makefiles          WrapperFactory.app
Fonts                 MPDCon.app
Frameworks            NoteBook.app
msoulier@cappuccino:/usr/share/GNUstep$ cd Appwrappers/
msoulier@cappuccino:...Ustep/Appwrappers$ ls
Acrobat.app   Firefox.app  GVim.app      Okular.app      Wine.app
Audacity.app  Geepie.app   Gwenview.app  OpenOffice.app
Avidemux.app  Gimp.app     Mplayer.app   vlc.app
msoulier@cappuccino:...Ustep/Appwrappers$ cat
  NSExecutable = "OpenOffice";
  NSIcon = "OpenOffice.tiff";
        XAppWrapper = YES;
  NSTypes = (
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "odp", "ppt" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.presentation.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "ods", "wks", "123", "ots", "xls" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.calc.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "odp", "dbf", "csv" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.database.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "odg" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.graphics.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "odf" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.math.tiff";
      NSUnixExtensions = ( "sdw", "sxw", "stw", "doc", "rtf", "odt" );
      NSIcon = "FileIcon_.doc.tiff";

So shouldn't GWorkspace know what an .odp file is?

I also find it odd that if I double-click on a file, nothing happens. No
error, no app fired up, nothing. That's bad UI.

Also, why can I not simply right-click and tell GWorkspace to associate the
file type with an application permanently? Or can I? It's quite confusing to


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