It is developed, just not very actively, as of late. If you need any of the following following types, you will need a work around because they aren't implemented:
* CFBundle
* CFMachPort
* CFMessagePort
* CFPlugIn
* CFPreference
* CFPropertyList (I'm slowly working my way through this one, at the moment)
* CFNotificationCenter
* CFUserNotification
* CFSocket (I'm not actually sure about this one, I think Lubos might've done some work on it a while back)
* CFXML* (these are now deprecated, and I do not plan on implementing them at all)
I would appreciate any bug reports you might throw my way and do my best to fix them but, to be perfectly honest, time is an issue. I encourage contributions to CoreBase as it is in dire need of some TLC.
If you're willing to put some time into it, I would appreciate if you could see how far you can get with the current code before discarding it altogether. The SVN version of the code is fairly useful, despite not yet stable.