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Re: Today's Meeting

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Today's Meeting
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2023 19:19:32 +0100

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 5:42 PM Ivan Vučica <ivan@vucica.net> wrote:
> Similar question for today's meeting. Hugo and myself are in the call,
> but I am guessing nobody else is joining us? We'll likely call it a
> day soon.

Today was a useful meeting for me.

- I shared the situation on the web (incl. demo of how I was approaching it)
- I moved home.gnustep.org / wwwmain.gnustep.org to latest CVS import
(converted into Git, and planned to be merged with the Github Pages

- We discussed autouploads to FTP when a maintainer wants to perform a
release. Github Actions is one way we could trigger this.
  - I'm now thinking that we could have pre-release checks, displaying
to the maintainer "This is the last time file XYZ was updated, and
this is what it looks like now. Same for file ABC, DEF and GHI. Are
they really up to date? Should we create tag and a release?"

- We discussed rotating the current ancient and insecure GPG signing
key, in the context of automating releases.
  - Aside from the master key that can be kept offline, maintainers
(and release system's secrets storage) can be issued subkeys.
  - Alternatively, we discussed that we can switch to maintaining a
keyring of trusted keys that are able to do releases.

- We discussed a hypothetical future `gnustep-session` or
`gnustep-desktop` package (incl. configuring XDG Base Directory spec
in combination with FHS for this configuration)
  - This would install an X11 session that can be displayed in the
login manager (gdm, kdm, lightdm...) -- initially
WindowMaker+GWorkspace+default theme
  - It could also install a 'defaults' package: e.g. switch users to
Gtk theme or another theme, perhaps switch from NeXT menus to Win9x or
globals menu.

- We discussed having our own APT repo based on `libobjc2` and
`clang`. This was in context of the aforementioned 'sane defaults'
  - It would not replace the Debian packaging, but provide a more
complete setup (e.g. ARC enabled).

I'll try to join the core devs' / maintainers' "work on things
together" sessions that have been going on, and that will tentatively
be happening on Tuesdays.

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