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Re: Empty window in GitUp port

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Empty window in GitUp port
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 21:49:23 +0200
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Hi Ethan,

Ethan C wrote:
       I have encountered a rather hairy issue, which I believe most likely lies in gnustep-gui but in fact could lie anywhere in the dozens of dependencies my project has. I am currently porting the macOS Git client GitUp <https://github.com/git-up/GitUp> to GNUstep on Clang on Linux, and the examples for using the underlying Git library called GitUpKit are failing to work properly. The example GitDiff launches and allows you to select a repository to view. However, it immediately closes. When I modify -[AppDelegate applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:] to return NO, then it displays an empty window. The same happens with GitDown. Meanwhile, the example GitY uses a hacky way to allow selecting repositories with the file picker (which I think is unnecessary), and due to its hacky nature it doesn't work on GNUstep. I might look into that more, but the issue of the empty window is very perplexing. I have a build guide available at https://github.com/ethanc8/GitUp/blob/gnustep/GitUpKit/DebianBuildGuide.md, and a more detailed explanation of the issue at https://github.com/ethanc8/GitUp/issues/1.

your project is complex so daemons may lurk everywhere. I have not yet tried it, since I don't have its dependencies at hand.

I had a look at this makefile:


and noticed that it does not link against GitUpKit, this is at least suspicious.

furthermore I watched the video in your issue and I see you spit out a lot of signature issues, I think ther eis a mismatch in versions in your libraries or some other runtime issue I don't know. Often it is harmless, but sometimes not. I would start sorting that out and see if it helps and if it uncivers other errors that can be looked at.


then I had

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