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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1259] Margin module impossible to change price

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1259] Margin module impossible to change price
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:30:21 +0100

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Margin module impossible to change price

Dernières modifications

25/02/2014 21:30 (Europe/Paris)
Can't reproduce on demo.dolibarr because margin seems not present and it is lagging too much



Submitted by:  Andriolo Hubert (hubz) Submitted on:  25/02/2014 21:26
Last Modified On:  25/02/2014 21:26 
Summary:  Margin module impossible to change price
Description:  If the module margin is activated, it is impossible to change the price we want to change an o customer order.
It seems margin module forces the price on the order.
If I buy a product 1€ and I want to put 1,495€ on the order I am obliged to cacluate margin and complete it in the field to put a right price.
For the moment, mergin is deactivated, as it was a blocking problem
Step to reproduce bug:  Create a customer order with a product which has a supplier's buying price, activate margins, and try to change the price you want to put on the order without changing the margin.
It is imposilbe.
Detected in version:  3.5.0 Category:  Module: Margins
Severity:  7 OS Type/Version:  
PHP version:   Database type and version:  
Status:  Open Assigned to:  Aucun
Resolution:  Aucun 


Andriolo Hubert 25/02/2014 21:30
Can't reproduce on demo.dolibarr because margin seems not present and it is lagging too much

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