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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1259] Margin module impossible to change price

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1259] Margin module impossible to change price
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 11:27:09 +0100

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Margin module impossible to change price

Dernières modifications

06/03/2014 11:27 (Europe/Paris)
Yes, or maybe it should be possible to change unit price even or rate margin when it is already calculated, it should recalculculate after.
Exemple I have a
product XXX I add it to a customer order for a qty 10 price 5€ HT
As I buy it 2,5€ HT margin rates defines itsef automatically at 100%
I want to change price and put it to 4,5€ HT on the customer order.

If I don't change margin rate I am not able to change unit price, but firstly i was inputing price HT, now I am obliged to input margin rate and unit price ?



Last Modified On:  01/03/2014 19:03 Submitted by:  Andriolo Hubert (hubz)
Submitted on:  25/02/2014 21:26 
Summary:  Margin module impossible to change price
Description:  If the module margin is activated, it is impossible to change the price we want to change an o customer order.
It seems margin module forces the price on the order.
If I buy a product 1€ and I want to put 1,495€ on the order I am obliged to cacluate margin and complete it in the field to put a right price.
For the moment, mergin is deactivated, as it was a blocking problem
Step to reproduce bug:  Create a customer order with a product which has a supplier's buying price, activate margins, and try to change the price you want to put on the order without changing the margin.
It is imposilbe.
Detected in version:  3.5.0 Category:  Module: Margins
Severity:  7 OS Type/Version:  
PHP version:   Database type and version:  
Status:  Open Assigned to:  Aucun
Resolution:  Works for me 


Andriolo Hubert 06/03/2014 11:27
Yes, or maybe it should be possible to change unit price even or rate margin when it is already calculated, it should recalculculate after.
Exemple I have a
product XXX I add it to a customer order for a qty 10 price 5€ HT
As I buy it 2,5€ HT margin rates defines itsef automatically at 100%
I want to change price and put it to 4,5€ HT on the customer order.

If I don't change margin rate I am not able to change unit price, but firstly i was inputing price HT, now I am obliged to input margin rate and unit price ?
Marcos García 01/03/2014 19:03
Maybe the unit price field should be marked as disabled if margin module is enabled
Andriolo Hubert 01/03/2014 14:02
Yes, of course I know changing price changes margin, but if I change price do I have to calculate margin and edit field to change it also ? I meant when editing the field price on a customer order, if I don't also change the fiel "margin" it re-calculates and records only based on the margin. I hope you understand, it is not possible to reproduce on demo because I can't activate MArgin Module...
Laurent Destailleur 01/03/2014 13:51
I don't understand.
selling price, buying price and margin are three value depending on each other. If you change one, on of the 2 other necessarily change too.

In your "step to reproduce bug", you say you want to change selling price but don't want to change the margin. If you change the selling price, the margin will change too (because supplier price does not change onto this screen).
Andriolo Hubert 25/02/2014 21:30
Can't reproduce on demo.dolibarr because margin seems not present and it is lagging too much
Andriolo Hubert 25/02/2014 21:30
Can't reproduce on demo.dolibarr because margin seems not present and it is lagging too much

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