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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1382] Stock import does not log the correction

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1382] Stock import does not log the correction in stock transactions page
Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 19:14:49 +0200

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Stock import does not log the correction in stock transactions page

Latest modifications

2014-05-11 19:14 (Europe/Paris)
Import is a feature to initialize data before starting to work.
Stock movement is a feature to track when you record stock change using the stock/increase feature of stock module. In stock setup, you decide what trigger stock/increase. When you make a mass import, you initialize database but there is no real triggered "movement".
And Mass import of stock level overwrites current database content of stock. This is not a stock movement but a stock initilazation. This feature is not a delta injection feature to add more but an erase and replace, that's why adding a movement has no sense.
I think this ticket looks more a feature request to make stock movement from an external file describing movements ?
  • Resolution: 
NoneWorks for me

Answer now


Submitted by:  Marcos García (marcosgdf) Submitted on:  2014-05-11 03:24
Last Modified On:  2014-05-11 18:39 
Summary:  Stock import does not log the correction in stock transactions page
Description:  If I do an import of stock for a given product, the stock number is updated but when I list the movements of a warehouse, the correction does not appear.

Reported by a forum user:
Step to reproduce bug:  
Detected in version:  3.5.2 Category:  Module: Stocks
Severity:  5 - Major OS Type/Version:  
PHP version:   Database type and version:  
Status:  Open Assigned to:  None
Resolution:  Works for me 


Laurent Destailleur 2014-05-11 19:14
Import is a feature to initialize data before starting to work.
Stock movement is a feature to track when you record stock change using the stock/increase feature of stock module. In stock setup, you decide what trigger stock/increase. When you make a mass import, you initialize database but there is no real triggered "movement".
And Mass import of stock level overwrites current database content of stock. This is not a stock movement but a stock initilazation. This feature is not a delta injection feature to add more but an erase and replace, that's why adding a movement has no sense.
I think this ticket looks more a feature request to make stock movement from an external file describing movements ?
Marcos García 2014-05-11 18:39
Laurent Destailleur 2014-05-11 18:37
What do you mean with doing an import. You mean using the module "Import" to use the import wizard ?

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