Stock movements on a product with batchLatest modifications
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Snapshot Details |
Submitted by: | Andriolo Hubert (hubz) | | Submitted on: | 2014-03-22 16:35 |
Last Modified On: | 2014-05-11 19:16 | |
Summary: | Stock movements on a product with batch |
Description: | Go on stock movement's tab of a product with batch activated, try to display detailled list of stock's movements :
and message is :
Fatal error: Class 'ExpeditionLigneBatch' not found in C:\dolibarr\www\dolibarr\htdocs\expedition\class\expedition.class.php on line 1113 |
Step to reproduce bug: | Wouuld be good to create in doliforge a dedicated (even of for themoment it is a experimental module) a Module : Product Batch section to report bugs, no ?
We cannot assign bus to Kreiz-IT (Cedric ?) |
Detected in version: | develop | | Category: | Module: Product Batch |
Severity: | 5 - Major | | OS Type/Version: | |
PHP version: | | | Database type and version: | |
Status |
Status: | Open | | Assigned to: | None |
Resolution: | None | |
Comments- Laurent Destailleur 2014-05-11 19:26
- Category ProductBatch was added and user kreizit is now into list to assign a bug.
- Cedric GROSS 2014-04-19 13:50
- I'm still unable to reproduce bug.
What is your version of apache and PHP ? - Andriolo Hubert 2014-04-19 12:21
- Maybe to be able to activate it on a demo instance would be a good idea ?
Someone has a demo, where it is possible to show the error ?
Or maybe, Cédric you found the bug ? - Andriolo Hubert 2014-03-22 17:46
- I just downloaded zip version of develop this morning and testing since 3 hours, maybe I'm somewhere wrong I'll try with a clean demo maybe. I send you a screenshot by mail ?
- Cedric GROSS 2014-03-22 17:43
- Strange error. Are you sure that you test with lastest -HEAD version ?
I can't reproduce. - Andriolo Hubert 2014-03-22 16:37
- More precisely : the product should be manage with batch AND have already a movement with a batch number or DLC