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Re: [Auth]ISsec Profile Providers (was Re: IDsec meeting)

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [Auth]ISsec Profile Providers (was Re: IDsec meeting)
Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2001 07:06:04 -0500
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At the most basic level, in IDset, you have a profile provider which has a list of attributes which can presumably be expanded as needed, values associated with those attributes, and access control for how each attribute is shared that the user controls. From that, a content provider uses a session certificate that the user provided to request that user's profile from the profile provider, and the profile provider can then return a generated XML spec document with those attributes that the given content provider was permitted to see by the user. This can be carried on http and ssl for secure connections.

This is a simplified representation of how it works, but I think it essentially answers your question. To make IDsec work the way you suggest may simply requires the user to be able to define their own attributes. Also, there is discussion of the possibility of having the content provider also store data for the user at the profile provider (a bit like a cookie...) although I do not believe this is directly part of the IDsec spec yet.

Mike Warren wrote:

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"John Pugh" <address@hidden> writes:

My point above was that there will be a base identity schema as you
depicted via XML. But as a provider, I want to provide other
services or add another layer of "service" to make my providing or
service more appealing.

Ah, I see. Absolutely. the IDSec space...can this be done?

I don't know; all I know about IDsec is what's been written here on
address@hidden; I would certainly advocate that such extensibility
should exist.

With XML, it's simple to do that and the interface can be
automatically modified to support the additional attribute AND the
attribute/schema can easily be limited to just that provider.

Yes, I think expandability is important; my example about a Bank
perhaps wanting to add the ability to issue digital cash tokens would
use this. If a User has a digital cash token, they will almost
certainly want to send it so some Third Party. Since any feasible
digital-cash scheme must include recipient information, it makes sense
to send it along as some ``extra'' information between two Identity

I'm struggling with the need to re-invent the wheel here...or maybe
that's what you want to do? I'm not sure.

I'm not aware of a robust, open, trust-based Identity model such as
the one I discussed in my last mail which is implemented as free
software. The ``Nym'' system (now disabled) implemented by comes close-ish, but it depends on central servers
and doesn't allow one to issue themselves a Nym (Identity). It also
doesn't allow (for example) a company to issue Nyms to its employees
(well, they could set up their *own* system, but that defeats the
purpose). They may very well have some usable code, though.

Thanks for reading...I'll stop if I'm impeding progress. Just say
so.  This IS good stuff.

No; all comments are valuable, IMO. Readers can ignore those authors
they don't find valuable.

- -- address@hidden
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