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[Libjit-developers] My second attempt at libjit.

From: manoloohara
Subject: [Libjit-developers] My second attempt at libjit.
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 11:59:36 -0500 (EST)

My second attempt.
It doesn't compile and again, I don't know why.
Thank you so much for your pacience.

Here is the code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <jit/jit-plus.h>

class register_class
private: jit_ubyte msb,lsb;

public: void msb_write(jit_ubyte new_value)
     {msb=new_value;     }

jit_ubyte *msb_address(void)
     {return (&msb);     }

void lsb_write(jit_ubyte new_value)
     {lsb=new_value;     }

jit_ubyte *lsb_address(void)
     {return (&lsb);}

     void print(void)
     {printf("msb= %d lsb=%d\n",msb,lsb);

class ld_zero_function : public jit_function
public: register_class AX;

     jit_function_t function;
     ld_zero_function(jit_context& context) : jit_function(context)

     void print(void);
     virtual jit_type_t create_signature();
     virtual void build();

void ld_zero_function::print(void)

jit_type_t ld_zero_function::create_signature()
{     return signature_helper (jit_type_void, end_params);
     // Return type, terminated with "end_params".

void ld_zero_function::build()
{// Put 0 in AX.msb;
jit_value_t zero_ubyte,y,temp1;
jit_type_t type_ptr_ubyte;
AX.msb_write(1); //AX.msb=1
AX.lsb_write(2); //AX.lsb=2
//y=address of AX.msb
//zero_ubyte= constant 0


int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ void *dummy_args[0];
     // Create a context to hold the JIT's primary state.
     jit_context context;

     // Create the function object.
     ld_zero_function ld_zero(context);

     // Execute the function.
     // Print AX
ld_zero.print(); //it MUST print msb=0 lsb=2
     /* Finished */
     return 0;

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