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Re: [Libjit-developers] Re: Libjit-developers Digest, Vol 22, Issue 3

From: Gopal V
Subject: Re: [Libjit-developers] Re: Libjit-developers Digest, Vol 22, Issue 3
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:45:58 +0530
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070719)

Dirk Muysers wrote:
Has anybody an idea about what happened to Rhys Weatherly and the Southern Storm Software software which have disappeared from webscape for some time now. Wasn't he supposed to be the libjit lead developer ?

He was the only developer for libjit for a long time.

And I got a message from him saying that he forgot to pay the bills for hosting :)

I'm still surprised that Rhys Weatherly seemed to have left the libjit project in a way that I percieve as rather quick. I hope he is still well, and just working on other interesting stuff.

The last I've seen of Rhys he was working at the Brisbane Trolltech
office and *very* busy with his Greenphone work[1].

(even a single sentence like "I'm fine but bored of working on libjit" is perfectly fine for me). Perhaps he is on vecation (it should be spring in Australia now!).

His last commit to dotgnu-pnet/ was into treecc's python bits and in

So yeah, Aleksey and Klaus are running the show now. (I'm also a
spectator now, with most of my time going into PHP development).

If I learn from my mistakes, pretty soon I'll know everything.

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