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[Pnet-developers] ILCoder abstraction broken

From: Miroslaw Dobrzanski-Neumann
Subject: [Pnet-developers] ILCoder abstraction broken
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:58:51 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i


Looking at "include/il_coder.h" I guess the particular ILCoder implementation
should be hidden to the outer world and only be accessible through the
ILCoderClass Methods.

This abstraction is currently broken in 

_ILCVMStartUnrollBlock () in engine/cvmc.c
which makes assumptions what the coder is


_ILCVMUnrollMethod () in engine/unroll.c
which calls the _ILCVMStartUnrollBlock() function

This way CVMC Coder is hardwired to the unroller

To break the dependency an extra *virtual* method should be added to 


struct _tagILCoderClass
        int (* startUnrollBlock) (ILCoder *coder, int align, ILCachePosn *posn);

#define ILCoderStartUnrollBlock (coder, align, posn) \
        ((*((coder)->classInfo->startUnrollBlock))((coder), (align), (posn)))
or even better
static inline int ILCoderStartUnrollBlock (ILCoder *coder, int align 
ILCachePosn *posn)
        return (* coder->classInfo->startUnrollBlock) (coder, align, posn);

the _ILCVMUnrollMethod () woould than call the virtual method
 if (! ILCoderStartUnrollBlock (coder, 32, &posn))

Could you fix it

Mirosław Dobrzański-Neumann
E-mail: address@hidden

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