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[Pnet-developers] Re: Pnet-developers Digest, Vol 24, Issue 2

From: Kirill Kononenko
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Re: Pnet-developers Digest, Vol 24, Issue 2
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 19:03:19 +0300

OK, I've only started playing with Portable.NET, so I don't know engine
internal good enough, sorry for that.

But what exact parts of code generation verifier is doing apart from
some methods? Is there any real verification at all and can it be disabled?

I'm trying to port Portable.NET to a very resource-constrained device, so I
need to shave every possible bit off of it...

Roman, to strip features from your tuned verson of Portable.NET one
need to formulate a list of features which you want to have available
on your device or features which you do not want to support.
Alternatively, you can select a set of test programs that your
customers want to run on the stripped version. Then you remove all the
extra features which one does not need to support to run these

To sum up, if you shave every possible bit of PNET you would just get
something like a program which returns 0 after a main(). So you need
to write down if you want, for example, 32-bit, 64-bit, float numbers
to be available, delegates, threads, internal functions and pinvokes.
Then after you have this list you can start shaving the source code of
the engine and working on the libraries. A very special, optimized and
reliable version of PNET could be done but it needs knowledge, work
and time.



Kirill Kononenko
mail: KirillDOTKononenkoATgmailDOTcom
PGP/GPG public key available on request

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