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Re: [Dragora-users] Different sets of dependencies for build and for run

From: Matías Fonzo
Subject: Re: [Dragora-users] Different sets of dependencies for build and for runtime
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 11:25:24 -0300
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.5.2

El 2022-07-07 01:30, DustDFG escribió:
On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 1:16 PM Matías Fonzo <selk@dragora.org> wrote:

El 2022-06-30 15:01, DustDFG escribió:
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 1:10 PM Matías Fonzo <selk@dragora.org> wrote:
>> El 2022-06-30 01:37, DustDFG escribió:
>> > Hello!
>> >
>> > Each program has two sets of dependencies. The first set of
>> > dependencies is dependencies that we need for building this package.
>> > The second set of dependencies is dependencies that we need to work
>> > with this package at runtime. So I want to know what set of
>> > dependencies we use at core files and why.
>> Dependencies are satisfied for the build, which are usually made to
>> work
>> at runtime, if there is any runtime requirement for the correct
>> operation of a program, this is also tried to be satisfied.  Always on
>> the build side.
> Sometimes build dependency isn't runtime dependency. For example cmake
> (for libjson-c), compiler ...

It is a prerequisite for its build, i.e. a build system used by the
subsequent software, which must be provided beforehand.

Ideally I would like to provide such build systems (apart from GNU make)
in the temporary system, but for now I consider it too much.

So as I see, Dragora doesn't have any dependency manager for compiled
packages. Am I right?

This is about solving from the build side by providing the binary packages to the user from our side. I don't aim to resolve dependencies at runtime because such algorithms are usually complex, and then you end up married to the package manager or in conflict when you try to escape from it...

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