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[Duplicity-talk] List versions of a file

From: GDR!
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] List versions of a file
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 10:32:34 +0200
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Hi there,

First of all - I love using duplicity, thanks for creating it.

I happen to be restoring hacked VPSes from time to time. It would be
very useful to have a tool which checks at which backups a particular
file has changed. I know it has been discussed here before.

I really need it, though, so I'd like to implement it as a command in
Duplicity. I guess that the easiest way would be to brute force it like
in the following pseudocode:

for chain in all_backup_chains:
    for sets in chain:
        path_iter = get_combined_path_iter(date)
        for path in path_iter:
            if path.get_relative_path == myfile:
                print path.getmtime()

It would be very intensive, though. Do you think there is a way to
somehow fetch this information from metadata, without iterating through
all files in every set?

Also, would you accept a patch implementing a new command if I
implemented it, or do you think it's too specific to be included in

Kreślę się z rewerencją,
GDR! - http://gdr.name/

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