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[Duplicity-talk] Warnings from duplicity on package versions

From: Scott Hannahs
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Warnings from duplicity on package versions
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 20:56:11 -0400

Ok, I understand that chardet is not installed for Python 3.10, I instead have 
charset_normalizer which should substitute for that.

RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.16) or chardet 
(None)/charset_normalizer (3.2.0) doesn't match a supported version!

The error message doesn’t delineate which package is causing the problem.  I 
assume it is compelling that charset_normalizer “3.2.0” fails the test 2.0.0 <= 
<version> < 3.0.0.  Is there a problem with charset_normalizer major version 3? 
 Should I substitute the later version of chardet that I have?  I have chardet 
version 3.0.2 which is the minimum needed (and has a lot of newer versions?) # 
chardet_version >= 3.0.2, < 6.0.0

Why does the following line to the error output cut off sudden as 
“warnings.warn(“ ??  Something seems odd.

I think these are all warnings and the duplicity seems to have run correctly.


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