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Re: [eev] C-q C-o ?

From: Xavier Maillard
Subject: Re: [eev] C-q C-o ?
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:00:05 +0100
User-agent: Rmail in GNU Emacs on GNU/Linux


   > What font do you use either on a normal linux vt (console) and in
   > a graphical GNU Emacs session ?
   > When I type C-q C-o in GNU Emacs when in the linux console, I am
   > seeing ^O instead of the red star. In GNU Emacs on X, I am seeing
   > a little square. This is not satisfying.
   > What font are you using ?

   Anyway: can you check which version of eev you are using? I think that
   until some months ago eev used to check the value of (getenv "TERM")
   against some default values, and in some cases it would use some
   non-standard chars for some glyphs... in particular, for ^O it
   sometimes used the "bullet" char, that you can see here:

    (find-eleimfile "quail/latin-ltx.el" "bullet")

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function find-eleimfile)
  (find-eleimfile "quail/latin-ltx.el" "bullet")
  eval((find-eleimfile "quail/latin-ltx.el" "bullet"))
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)

    (find-echarsetchars 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff "732x")

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Autoloading failed to define function 
  (list-iso-charset-chars charset)
  (cond ((charsetp charset) (list-iso-charset-chars charset)) ((assq charset 
non-iso-charset-alist) (list-non-iso-charset-chars charset)) (t (error "Invalid 
character set %s" charset)))
  eval((cond ((charsetp charset) (list-iso-charset-chars charset)) ((assq 
charset non-iso-charset-alist) (list-non-iso-charset-chars charset)) (t (error 
"Invalid character set %s" charset))))
  (if (get-buffer buffer-name) (switch-to-buffer buffer-name) (switch-to-buffer 
buffer-name) (eval code) (goto-char (point-min)))
  find-eoutput-reuse("*charset*" (cond ((charsetp charset) 
(list-iso-charset-chars charset)) ((assq charset non-iso-charset-alist) 
(list-non-iso-charset-chars charset)) (t (error "Invalid character set %s" 
charset))) "732x")
  apply(find-eoutput-reuse "*charset*" (cond ((charsetp charset) 
(list-iso-charset-chars charset)) ((assq charset non-iso-charset-alist) 
(list-non-iso-charset-chars charset)) (t (error "Invalid character set %s" 
charset))) "732x")
  find-echarsetchars(mule-unicode-0100-24ff "732x")
  eval((find-echarsetchars (quote mule-unicode-0100-24ff) "732x"))
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
  byte-code("Æ @Ç=ƒ!
  debug(error (void-function find-eleimfile))
  (find-eleimfile "quail/latin-ltx.el" "bullet")
  eval((find-eleimfile "quail/latin-ltx.el" "bullet"))
  call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)

   You can check your version of eev with:

    (find-eevfile "VERSION")

Mon Feb 11 09:53:58 GMT 2008
Mon Feb 11 07:53:58 BRST 2008

   Hm, sorry, that can't be it - it seems that I never moved the code for
   using the bullet char from my ".emacs" to eev... 8-\


    (find-eevgrep "grep -niH -e term *.el")
    (find-eevgrep "grep -niH -e 15 *.el")
    (find-eevgrep "grep -niH -e \\\\^O *.el")

None of these find-eevgrep works here. I have a void function

   Ok, so forget this...


   Let me explain how the glyph for ^O is set, then.

   By running "eev-rctool" you should have installed an "eev block" at
   your .emacs; that block calls - somewhat indirectly - the function
   `eev-set-default-glyphs', that runs this:

    (eev-set-glyph ?\^O ?* 'eev-glyph-face-red)


   Here are some links that may be relevant if you want to understand the

    (find-fline   "~/.emacs" "Beginning of the eev block:")
    (find-eevfile "eev-all.el" "(eev-set-default-glyphs)")
    (find-eevfile "eev-glyphs.el" "defun eev-set-default-glyphs")

   You can check if the glyph for "\^O" is still set correctly with:

    (defun ee-glyph-bign (char) (aref (aref standard-display-table char) 0))
    (defun ee-glyph-char (bign) (logand (- (ash 1 19) 1) bign))
    (defun ee-glyph-face-id (bign) (ash bign -19))
    (ee-glyph-char    (ee-glyph-bign 15))

This one returns 42

    (ee-glyph-face-id (ee-glyph-bign 15))

This one returns 180

    (face-id 'eev-glyph-face-red)

180 too

   also, switching from an X frame to a terminal frame and back (a
   "multi-tty"-ism, possible in CVS Emacs) messes up the display table...
   I don't know how to handle this yet...

Yes, I also have seen such weird behaviour. I am using GNU Emacs
as it is in TRUNK and there are little glitches here and there
that need a fix since unicode-2 branch merge.

   Does that help? Can you provide more information?

It if does not help, at least I can understand better things.

   P.S.: I use very standard fonts (not e.g., terminus) because I often
   have to set some glyphs to mathematical chars... I switch between
   three font sizes with keybindings bound to:

    (set-frame-font "micro")
    (set-frame-font "fixed")
    (set-frame-font "10x20")

Ok thank you. I am using terminus font and I never ever
encountered any displa problem with "exotic" characters. I am
still trying to find out why it happens with ^O



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