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Support for versions of xpdf that require a ":" before the page number

From: Eduardo Ochs
Subject: Support for versions of xpdf that require a ":" before the page number
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 12:58:26 -0300

Hi Erich,

I found an elegant way to support both the newer and the older
versions of xpdf. The new code is this, and the new version should be
in ELPA in a few hours...

  (defvar ee-find-xpdf-colon "")
  (defun  ee-find-xpdf-colon ()
    "Return \":\" or \"\" according to the version of xpdf.
  Some versions of xpdf need a \":\" before the page number -
  they need be called as \"xpdf foo.pdf :42\" instead of as
  \"xpdf foo.pdf 42\". In the future this function will try
  to guess correctly if the \":\" is needed or not, but this
  version just returns the value of the variable

  (defvar ee-find-xpdf-page-options '("-fullscreen"))
  (defun  ee-find-xpdf-page (fname &optional page &rest rest)
      ,@(if page `(,(format "%s%d" (ee-find-xpdf-colon) page)))

You will need to add this to your .emacs:

  ;; Tests:
  ;; (setq ee-find-xpdf-colon "")
  ;; (setq ee-find-xpdf-colon ":")
  ;; (ee-find-xpdf-page "~/Coetzee99.pdf" (+ -110 114))
  ;;    (find-xpdf-page "~/Coetzee99.pdf" (+ -110 114))
  (setq ee-find-xpdf-colon ":")

Cheers =),

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