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[Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.15 bug: cannot view file from dired

From: glenn opdycke-hansen
Subject: [Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.15 bug: cannot view file from dired
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2007 16:30:31 -0600

(I was requested to run dired-report-bug,  however when I try to send
the mail, the message "`smtpmail-smtp-server' not defined" is
displayed. Therefore, I am sending this via gmail.)

I started with 21.4 (Educational Television) install of XEmacs on
winxp.  The problem does not appear with this version.
I then updated dired to 1.18 via Tools|Packages.
Now if the file has size of 999 or less in dired, then it can be
viewed.  However, if the file size is 1000 or more then viewing the
file will result in a problem when viewing the file.  For example if
the dired line is "2420 Dec 26 22:21 build.xml" then viewing the
build.xml file will bring up a window for "21 build.xml".
Also, X-d will result in "d:\hib-helloworld\Dec 26 22:" in the


Emacs  : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 21) "Educational Television" [Lucid]
(i586-pc-win32) of Sun Oct 07 2007 on VSHELTON-PC2
Package: Dired

current state:
 dired-version "7.15"
 dired-backup-if-overwrite nil
 dired-chown-program "/etc/chown"
 dired-cleanup-alist '(("tex" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".dvi") ("latex"
".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".idx" ".lof" ".lot" ".glo" ".dvi")
                       ("bibtex" ".blg" ".bbl")
                       ("texinfo" ".cp" ".cps" ".fn" ".fns" ".ky" ".kys" ".pg"
".pgs" ".tp" ".tps" ".vr" ".vrs")
                       ("patch" ".rej" ".orig") ("backups" "~")
                       ("completion-ignored-extensions" ".svn/" "CVS/" ".o" 
".elc" "~" ".bin" ".lbin" ".dvi" ".class"))
 dired-compression-method 'gzip
 dired-compression-method-alist '((gzip ".gz" ("gzip") ("gzip" "-d")
"-f") (compress ".Z" ("compress" "-f") ("compress" "-d") "-f")
                                  (pack ".z" ("pack" "-f") ("unpack")) (compact 
".C" ("compact")
                                  (bzip2 ".bz2" ("bzip2") ("bunzip2") "-f"))
 dired-copy-preserve-time t
 dired-dwim-target nil
 dired-failed-marker-shell ?!
 dired-filename-re-ext "\\..+\\'"
 dired-find-subdir nil
 dired-gnutar-program nil
 dired-keep-marker-compress t
 dired-keep-marker-copy ?C
 dired-keep-marker-hardlink ?H
 dired-keep-marker-kill ?K
 dired-keep-marker-rename t
 dired-keep-marker-symlink ?S
 dired-keep-marker-uucode ?U
 dired-kept-versions 2
 dired-listing-switches "-al"
 dired-local-variables-file ".dired"
 dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks nil
 dired-ls-locale nil
 dired-ls-program "ls"
 dired-mail-reader 'vm
 dired-mode-line-modified "-%s%s%s-"
 dired-no-confirm nil
 dired-omit-extensions '(".class" ".lbin" ".bin" ".elc" ".obj" ".o"
"CVS/" ".svn/" "~" ".orig" ".rej" ".vrs" ".vr" ".tps" ".tp"
                         ".pgs" ".pg" ".kys" ".ky" ".fns" ".fn" ".cps" ".cp" 
".bbl" ".blg"
".glo" ".lot" ".lof" ".idx" ".dvi"
                         ".aux" ".log" ".toc")
 dired-omit-files nil
 dired-omit-regexps '("\\`#" "\\`\\.")
 dired-refresh-automatically t
 dired-show-ls-switches nil
 dired-trivial-filenames "\\`\\.\\.?\\'\\|\\`#"
 dired-unshar-program nil
 dired-use-file-transformers t
 dired-verify-modtimes t
 reporter-version "Your version of reporter is obsolete.  Please upgrade."

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