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[Emacs-commit] emacs-commit: CIAL~IS is almond p11l-it acts qulcker and

From: Roberto Jow
Subject: [Emacs-commit] emacs-commit: CIAL~IS is almond p11l-it acts qulcker and 1asts much l0nger!
Date: 27 Feb 2004 23:56:24 -0500

VI_AGRA Fina1ly Found A T0ugh Compet1t0r -- CIA^L1S!

* 1 * Overa1l Erecti1e Functlon!
* 2 * Ab1lity To Achleve Erect10ns Sufficlent For Vag1na1 Penetration.
* 3 * Abll1ty To Maintaln Erect10ns For Successfu1 Sexual Intercourse.
* 4 * Satisfactl0n With Sexua1 Intercourse.
* 5 * Sat1sfacti0n With The Hardness Of Erectlons.
* 6 * C0nf1dence In Abillty To Ach1eve And Maintaln An Erect1on!
* 7 * Part`ners' Satisfactl0n With Sex`ua1 Intercourse .

Please V1sit 0ur We6`Slte: C`l`i`c`k H`e`r`e


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