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Re: report-emacs-bug / e-mail setup

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: report-emacs-bug / e-mail setup
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 22:29:56 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

David Reitter wrote:

I was wondering if there is interest in a revised report-emacs-bug function.

The current function seems to depend on the mail system being set up.

I found that users of the Aquamacs distribution (Mac OS X users) frequently do not use Emacs for mail. Their bug reports get swallowed, and people get no error message.

So what we do in Aquamacs is to leave it to the system setup what mail application the user wants to use. The complete text (as before) is composed automatically, and then the user's preferred mail handling application takes care of editing / sending. This works very well not only on OS X, but also on my KDE installation under GNU/ Linux. Besides, it tends to do a better job at respecting the user's mail setup.

If there is interest, I can put a patch together for people to discuss.

I think it is interesting. Will it work on w32 also?

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