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Re: Today's :ignore-defface changes: Emacs segfaults immediately

From: Romain Francoise
Subject: Re: Today's :ignore-defface changes: Emacs segfaults immediately
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 2005 21:10:26 +0100

Chong Yidong <address@hidden> writes:

> Could you find the part of the config file that makes it segfault?

Sure; it segfaults when calling the `color-theme-dark-laptop' function,
from the color-theme.el package.  Reducing the init file to just this
function shows this additional message before the segfault:

Wrong type argument: bitmap-spec-p, unspecified

Romain Francoise <address@hidden> | The sea! the sea! the open
it's a miracle -- http://orebokech.com/ | sea! The blue, the fresh, the
                                        | ever free! --Bryan W. Procter

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