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Re: My Emacs unicode 2 crash again when I do some *Replace String (M-%)*

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: My Emacs unicode 2 crash again when I do some *Replace String (M-%)*, I give the debug informations under gdb in the attachments.
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 16:02:51 +0900
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/22.0.95 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

In article <address@hidden>, Hongyi Zhao <address@hidden> writes:

> Now, I meet the same thing that I reported to you two days ago.  I debug 
> it under gdb according to your guidance.  I describe the problem as 
> follows and sent you a sample file as well as the corresponding debug 
> informations:

Thank you for the info.

> In my sample file *sample-file.mp*, which is metapost file.  I open it·
> in emacs by using the meta-mode to edit it.  The parameters I used to open 
> Emacs is: *--enable-font-backend -fn "Dejavu Sans Mono-14"*.

> When I open the file, then I use the *M-%* and *!* to replace all the 
> *-* (the character is in Half shape) into *-* (the character is in Full 
> shape) or vice versa and do this thing again and again.  I mean, if the 
> there have *-* (half shape) in my file, I replace all of them into *-* 
> (full shape) and then do the reverse replacements again and again; if 
> there have *-* (full shape) in my file, I replace all of them into *-* 
> (half shape) and then do the reverse replacements again and again.  Then 
> I find that after some circles, the Emacs will be aborting 
> abnormally.  The debug-results-gdb is my debug informations under 
> gdb.

I did the same thing, but couldn't reproduce that bug.  I
also ran this function:
(defun temp ()
  (while t
    (goto-char 1)
    (replace-string "-" "\xFF0D")
    (sit-for 0.1)
    (goto-char 1)
    (replace-string "\xFF0D" "-")
    (sit-for 0.1)))
on sample-file.mp (by visitting it and typing ESC : (temp)
RET), but Emacs run's without error.

Could you please try the same thing by running Emacs without
"--enable-font-backend" arg?

> P.S.  When I use the command *bt full*, I find so many debug 
> informations, can I use a command to pipe these informations into a 
> file.

From Emacs, you can do this:

  M-x gdb RET .../src/emacs RET

Then the interation with gdb can be done in *gud-emacs*
buffer, thus you can easily save a proper part in a file.

Kenichi Handa

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